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The Secret Is In The Stretch!

Stretch Your Way to Better Health!

Most of us know that we should be moving more. Our sedentary lifestyle, desk jobs, and long commutes are damaging to our bodies causing chronic back and neck pain.

But did you know that sitting actually affects not just your body but also your brain and internal organs?

Sitting for long periods curves your spine as you slouch. This puts strain on your spinal cord and eventually prevents your lungs from getting the space they need to fully expand. When your lungs don’t breath in completely less oxygen is distributed throughout your body. This is exacerbated because your circulation is decreased when you are sitting. Less oxygen to your brain ultimately leads to loss of concentration.

When your body and it’s organs don’t get the oxygen they need your overall health is compromised.

Ed’s Flex Form is the simple solution to this problem.

Using the device you put your body in the total opposite of what you normally do for at least one minute. This re-alignment improves breathing and circulation, increases your flexibility, and can improve your concentration.

Developed by Ed Weinstein, LMT

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